So, this idea came to me from my friend Anabelle, (a fellow blogger...you can see hers, Keeping up with the Pearsons by clicking on the link!) She and I are constantly talking about our kids and all the funny things they do, which often leads to all the "funny" (some might say stupid, perhaps even illegal) things WE do! But the common thread is that we didn't MEAN to do these things...they were brain farts. And we figured if SHE does them and I do them, then probably mothers everywhere do them (no one admits them is all...).

Which is how the idea of "Mother of the Year Mondays" came to be...It's the phrase we utter after we've admitted to some really heinous mother crime...It might go something like this. "Yes, Susie. Today I let my kids play in the dumpster because it looked like they were having so much fun tossing dirty diapers to one another! That's right, go ahead and sign me up for Mother of the Year!" Or even better, "Yes, sweet daughter, when you were little, I tied your legs to your chair so you wouldn't tip back in it." (That one comes to us from a mother very close to me..one I've known since...birth.) :)
So anyway, I'm a little hesitant to start this new theme, since I notice Anabelle herself has not posted a "Mother of the Year" Moment yet today...perhaps fear of CPS knocking on the door gave her a change of mind...but oh well! I've got 30 blogs to do in 30 days and without this one, I'm fresh out of ideas! So here goes!
So early on Brian and I decided to be GREAT, unafraid parents of triplets and take our babies out frequently! We would usually go to Starbucks on Sunday mornings in which case, we would simply carry the babies in their carseats. Brian would carry the boys, I would carry Hunter. Well for a while, this was all fine and good. But I get cabin fever easily and I wanted bigger and better! I wanted to take the babies out out! I wanted to go to Old Navy! But I didn't want to carry them all around...(if you're a blog follower, then all of this is probably starting to sound familiar. I blogged about this when the babies were a mere 2 months old!) But now, you'll hear the rest of the story...So the first stop of that day was to Babies R Us to buy some strollers. We got a double and a single. Brian actually assembled them right there in the parking lot and then we were off to the mall! So that day of shopping was great! The strollers were the best invention ever!
So after we'd shopped our hearts out, it was time to go home! Out to the parking lot we strolled! One, by one, by one we took the babies out of their stroller and popped their carseats back into their respective bases and we were off! Headed for home! Feeling so proud that we even figured out how to fold the 2 strollers back up! (Okay, I was proud. I'm sure it was quite simple for Brian.) So there we were, just driving along, listening to the radio until I had a thought. And following that thought, I say (very calmly and casually so as not to make it seem like I'm freaking out) "Hey, did you strap them back in?" And just as calmly, he replies, "No, did you?) Oh S**T!....And there you have it.
Yep. We were just driving along with the babies IN their carseats, but not actually safely IN their carseats. Now luckily, we'd only gone as far as Park Place Mall to the El Charro /Touchdowns Complex (less than a mile) Let me tell you how fast we pulled over, got out, apologized profusely to three totally unaware little people, buckled them in and kept on driving...as if none of this had ever happened....VOWING never to speak a word of this to anyone.
Oops....well, technically I'm not speaking it to anyone.... Anyway, there you have it. My name is Ami and I forgot to buckle my kids in.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Don't be so excited about your new strollers that you forget that your husband is a police officer and your father is a personal injury attorney, both of whom thrive because of idiot drivers who forget to buckle their kids in. Thank God, this story ended well...
Anyway, I feel better. Care to get anything off YOUR imperfect mother or father chest? :) If so, let's share stories in the comment section. Like before, you can choose either ANONYMOUS (this might be an appropriate time to choose anonymity!) or you can choose NAME/URL. In that case, just type your name in the NAME part and leave the URL part blank. Then type the security word and hit publish! Go ahead, make me feel a little better....
This was Brian assembling 2 strollers in the babies r us parking lot

And these 2 strollers would be the cause of my stupidity to come....

This was earlier, at the mall, when I was still a good mom. :)

Ok, ok, I'm doing it! I will post my favorite mother of the year moment on my blog. I may also have to do Father of the Year Friday! :)
Mine was similar to yours Ami, although I have to claim ignorance. I had a passenger riding in the backseat the day before the incident. Since then I had noticed her carseat was very wobbly (sp?). Then I turned a corner and her carseat tipped completely over in the backseat. One minute she was in the mirror and the next she was gone. I immediately pulled over and realized that the passenger that rode in the backseat had accidently unbuckled the base. My heart dropped when it happened but she had no idea what was going on.
i'm not mother of the year but i am teacher of the year... my first year teaching, i put a child in the pod cuz he was driving me NUTS! the bell rings we all walk out for dismissal and i see that child's mom waiting for her child. i'm thinking... where is he, i know he was here today.... oh snap!!! i left him in the pod! i ran back to the pod and there he was sobbing and crying because i had left him in the pod! damn, oops! :) sarah
On the way to my twins 2 year check up, were were on the 101 (about 20 miles from our house) and I look over and my 2 year old son is standing right next to me. HA! I have a moment like that almost everyday and my common response is "2009 is shot, but there's always 2010!" BTW- I may have to add Mother of the year Mondays on our blog too! I promise not to copy and paste your postings into my blog thought! Although I probably should since your blog is so darn cute...
i love this! What a good idea! I am too many to share...
Totally done that!
I's sooo glad that I'm not the only one who has done that!! But unlike you, I didn't have that "thought" and made it all the way to my parents house, I got Ethan out, yes he was strapped in, if he wasn't I would have known it very quickly, but I go to get Malia out, and she is just sitting in her seat with no straps buckled, totally freaked and and swore I would never do that again, well let's just say I have, sometimes the entire car seat wasn't in right and was just "resting" on the base. So don't feel bad!!
Ami --- hopefully this makes you feel somewhat better.. many years ago --33 to be exact, my son who is now 35 and survived, use to sit on the door handle in the front seat, and hold on to the seat as we drove around Houston, Texas. So, little booboos along the way... they all survive!... ramona
Hi Ami! One of your VT followers here ;) I too have done the same thing...only my daughter was old enough to say "Um, Mommy, I'm not buckled!!" And then proceded to tell everyone and anyone that "my mommy forgot to buckle me in the car today" ;) And of course...there have been many more, and there will be for you too!! It just gets that much better when they can tell on you!! Enjoy
I think I'll share one of our Mom's "Mother of the Year" moments...Ami was just a baby and was crying in her crib. My mom just tried to ignore her knowing that eventually she would stop. Well after awhile, she notices that Ami is still crying pretty loudly. She goes into her room and looks in the crib, but Ami isn't there, but she can hear her crying! She had slid down the inside of the crib and was on the floor (goes to show you how different cribs were back then.) So all you mothers out there, don't let them cry too long : )
Mary and Ami, I did no such things, the only thing I deserve credit as mother of the year is to teach you both to lie very very convincingly. :)
Back in the olden days, if my son got too fussy while I was driving, I just nursed him (he's 29 now) while the other kids were hopping all over the car... ( I didn't pull over, just kept on going.) They all survived somehow. There were no car seats for babies, just lots of guardian angels. I do admire all you mom's these days!!
Mary's story reminded me of mine. When Danielle was just a few weeks old and Ryan was not quite four years old, I was on the phone with Grammy Daniels. I could hear Danielle crying in her crib but was having a nice chat and after a few minutes the crying stopped. When I finally went upstairs, there was Danielle on the twin bed with her brother. He had taken her out of the crib. Mind you, this crib didn't have a side that lowered. He had to have balanced on the outside, picked her up and then stepped down and carried her. Can you just picture her little head hanging down?! He said, "You were on the phone and SOMEONE had to take care of her." PS...he's still taking care of his little sister 17 years later!
OMG Ami - I have one of these a week for sure! This week, my 21month old "fell" out of her crib! She didn't want to nap, and was crying. I was ignoring her in her room (as usual) and not paying attention to the video moniter at all, until I heard a loud "thud"! When I ran to her room, she opened her door and came out! Needless to say, we are looking at toddler beds this weekend!!!
This may have been your 1st "oops" moment, but there will definitely be more! I did that once. We were still in Erie, PA & Brett was old enough to tell me he wasn't buckled when we were a few just out of the day care parking lot. I swerved off to the side of the road so fast that I could've actually MADE him fall out of his seat! Another time I was letting him cry it out in his toddler bed. He eventually cried himself to sleep. A couple hours later I went to check on him before I went to bed & there was a horrible stink in his room. He cried so hard he ended up throwing up & then fell asleep in it! Brett wasn't the only to bear the brunt of my wonderful parenting...I had Drew in the seat part of a shopping cart once & he was being really cranky & whiny. A few mins later he's screaming & crying. I thought he was just being cranky again and kept telling him he was fine we'll leave in a bit & he can get out. A min or so later I saw that his finger was stuck in the criss-cross pattern of the cart! YEP...that's me...MOM OF THE YEAR!
In fact...just this weekend (this part was necessary) I had to basically LAY on Brett while the lady at Urgent care gave him a shot to numb his head cuz he needed staples in his head (Drew tackled him Saturday while playing football in the backyard & he fell on the patio & his head on a piece of patio furniture on his way down). I was so worried he was going to move & tear it & she'd have to pull it out 7 start over that I was holding his head so tight he was crying...not becuz of the staple going in but becuz mommy was squeezing him too tight! Then after that, I took them to a movie and we had popcorn & candy for dinner!
So, it looks like we both have many more episodes to go I'm sure...although you have 3 times more opportunity! ;)
I locked Danielle in the car...I had to call 911 and they rescued us. I was mortified but it has been z couple weeks, so I'm now admitting it. Oh and I didn't buckle her in once or twice.
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