Again, good that Liz does this for a profession because I would've just slapped that helmet right on their heads. But no, the appropriate thing to do is let the baby become somewhat familiar with it. She let each baby touch the helmet, feel it, listen to the velcro strap several times so it wouldn't be so frightening.
"Hmm, what is this?"

"Gramma, look at my shiny pink ball thing."

"Gramma, look at my shiny pink ball thing."
"I better see what happens when I pull this fuzzy thing."
"Hey, why are you putting my head in that pink ball thingy??"
"'Scuse me, it got a little dark here..."
But before long, get acquainted time is over. And the tough part (for me) begins. Liz showed us how to most efficiently and least painfully open the helmet and get it around their heads.
"Hey, why are you putting my head in that pink ball thingy??"
Now, if you were thinking to yourself, "That helmet looks HUGE on her!" You were right. It's not done yet. After she gets it on their heads, she then takes a marker and marks where their eyebrows are, and where each ear is. From there, she takes the helmet back to the workshop area and essentially shaves the helmet up to the lines she marked. That way, it actually fits, without overwhelming the entire face.
If you look closely, you can see the black marker lines.
This picture is post it doesn't overwhelm her face or butt up to her ears.
But...she still doesn't love it.
"Oh, but I do like that white clicky thing in your hand!"
Ethan checking out his helmet
"Hmm, lemme see that fuzzy, noisy thing...
"Hey! Whoa, whoa, what're you doing putting that thing on my head?"
"Daddy, help me!! It's squishing my cheeks!"
Obviously this a 'before' picture. It hasn't been shaved yet.

Now it's been shaved to fit Ethan's face better.

"Hmm...I liked it better before she put it on my head..."

"Whoa! Who's pinching my cheeks??"

"Scuse me, could we get a little light in here?"

"I can't see!!"

That's ok, Bubba. Mama will make it better.

"Ok, now this time it's fitting much better.."
Checking it out...
"smooth...I like it...."
"Hmm...I liked it better before she put it on my head..."
"Whoa! Who's pinching my cheeks??"
"Scuse me, could we get a little light in here?"
"I can't see!!"
That's ok, Bubba. Mama will make it better.
"Ok, now this time it's fitting much better.."
Of course they are still as cute as can be in their helmets!!Can't wait to see them in person in 2 days!
It's amazing how they seem to forget they have them on :) And they are just as adorable as ever...
I asked for helmets for both of my boys but the pediatrician said their heads wern't bad enough. I still wish they got helmets.
The babies are still so cute!
why do they have helmets it for changing their head shape. I am curious, thanks.
Today I have my first appoint at Cranial Tech for my four month okd. I’m so nervous. Thank you for sharing your story.
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