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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Daddy, are we goin fishin?

Not strangely, the tune, "Sittin' on the dock of the bay" has been running through my head since we arrived in Pinetop/Lakeside yesterday. Our annual beach vacation took a turn for the North this year. We are enjoying the most beautiful house (I want to call it a cabin but it's far more glorious than a cabin) and the most beautiful weather. 

I'm using this trip for some much needed relaxation (oh that was funny- I can't even type it with a straight face) but also as the most idyllic practice spot for my new photography obsession hobby.  After investing in a camera I knew absolutely nothing about and having had in on Automatic since the moment it came out of the case, I have finally learned a thing or two about it. 

You know the cute little lemonade photos of the kids in my blog header? Well my friend Meridy, who took those pictures, has been gracious enough to give me and my sister and our friend Jamie a crash course in photography 101.  :) She rocks. It's really that simple. I still have a LOT to learn, but thanks to Meridy I'm actually excited now as opposed to intimidated. Trust me, THAT is saying a lot. 

So, if I may give myself a little pat-pat-pat on the back, I am proud to say that I have left Automatic mode and am now camped out in Aperture Priority Mode, where I am learning to  make a few decisions on my own about the ISO, the White Balance, the flash or no flash, focal points, depth, etc. I feel like such a big girl now. 

Bright sunlight is still killin' me, what with shadows and all, but even stil, l I've learned to make some concessions to get around some of that.  So please do not scroll down expecting angels to sing and shooting stars to pass before you as you gaze upon each of my photos. But do enjoy them and know that there was actual thought that went into each one! I'm learning! 

Perhaps this is a good place for me to interject and say that, yes, I do realize that on this particular day there are a LOT of photos of my kids in their underoos. Could I have asked them to go up and put on clothes? Of course. Did I? Not so much. I think little butts fishin is kinda cute. That said, I am making a conscious effort to have clothes on them in future posts.  :) 

Oh Ethan, someday you'll take your little boy to the lake and he'll scream at you too. 
Have fun with that. 

Seriously. Does it get cuter than this? 

Oh. Right. It just did. :) 

Kinda like an outdoor timeout. Solitary non-confinement, if you will. 
I love you little Ethan. No matter how strong willed you are. 
I like that about you, actually. 

Colton, the headless fisherman and his Lightning McQueen fishing pole. 

He's a reflective little dude...kinda like his daddy. 

Brian teaching them how to fish. I believe the lesson went something like this:
"You sit here and wait. You do nothing except hold the pole. Then you wait." As you might imagine, it was a little anti-climactic what with only knowing how easy it is for Mickey Mouse and friends to catch gooey fish in Mickey Lake.

One of my favorites.

My boys

And...my girl. :) She's such a good practice subject. 

Okay, these next few definitely lack any actual quality, but still, how cute are they? My almost 102 year old Grandmaand my 3 year old. He's showing her games on the iPhone. And bless her heart, she's at least pretending to be interested.  

Not to be outdone, Colton then brings Gigi some toys to look at too! 

Hey there little beach boy. 

And the first catch of the day went to Brian! Hello ugly catfish. We shall let you go now. 

And still the ever protective aunt, Mary is sure to hold on tight for fear the littles my tip forward and do a little unplanned lake diving.

I can't help but look at this picture and wonder how he'll feel later in life about his cleft lip and palate. Will he care? Will he even notice his scar or will he just trust me when I tell him 1.)He's the most handsome little boy around and 2.) Chicks dig scars.  :) 

Miss Hunter Olivia
Pensive and thoughtful

28 times (we know because we DID keep track) on the drive up she asked if we were going to go fishing in the lake. As such, it was her turn. 
Feeling the tug on her Barbie fishing line...
"I did it! I caught a fish!" 
Not wanting to be entirely too close to that fish, she stayed right up close to her daddy. 

Next up-Colton. 

Not long after Hunter caught her fish, Colton reeled one in himself. Another catfish..."I caught a gooey fish, mom. I caught a cat gooey fish."  hee hee...I love it. 

No where near as interested in fishing at the moment, he does the obligatory, sit with dad, hook a worm, cast his line and wait gig. 

"Can I be done yet, mom?"

"Can I at least play games while we wait for dad to catch my fish?" 
"Forget this...I'm going inside."

And then there was my sweet cheeks niece. Her curly hair and never failing smile make her about as lovable as they come. 

"Hmm...what's this grass? Should I eat it?" 

Learning to walk...

And my Hunter girl, (whom I caught with half shut eyes in this photo.) Oops. 

Grammy and Hunter

And Great Grammy (who, by the way will be 102 years on in 2 and a half months)

This is  a piece I'll call "Toys in Nature."  

Peekaboo Colton! 

Hey little lady...

And the wee one, Brinley, checking out the dock.

Thanks for being so cute. 

And finally, many hours later, Ethan Bradley Bunch decided he'd like to 'patiently' try his hand at fishing with dad. Thank God for Catfish. 

So maybe I forgot to adjust an ISO here or something...I'm still learning, you know. :)

Looking on quite inquisitively as daddy throws Ethan's fish back in. 

And since for some strange reason, it takes me about 4 hours to upload 50 pictures, that is all we get from Day 1. 
(Pun sort of intended)  :) 

(of day 1, that is) 


Dad/Ponka said...

The pics of the kids are, as always, cute and entertaining. However, just as striking are the photos of their Great Grammy Russo. Hers is a look both serene and regal. Stunning, actually. Thank you.

Courtney said...

Wonderful pics, Ami! What kind of camera did you decide to go with? I'm contemplating a switch to a big girl camera myself.....

Charlotte Hoffner said...

Great pictures Ami!! What great memories you will cherish forever!! The 'cabin' looks awesome!!

Grammy Russo said...
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