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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Water Babies

I won't say too much about it, because I'll start getting all "woe is me"y again, but in case you missed it, I went back to work full time.

Back to work full time means that I now spend twice as many waking hours with other people's kids than my own. That hurts my heart. But feeding them, clothing them and having gas in the car to drive them around IS actually kind of important, and as such, I went back to work so that we could do those things!

Luckily for me (and more so for my Bunchkins), my mom watches them and sends me videos and pictures all throughout the day of their various activities. Videos of them running naked through the sprinklers in the backyard, playing at the park, having tea parties for one, doing laundry, eating lunch, you name it, she shares it & I love it.

So here are photos from one of their adventures. We have a great little park within walking distance of our house and they often go there to play on the swings and slides. It was so darn hot on this particular occasion that they turned it into a water day by dumping bottles of water on their heads! I just love the joy on their faces. Sheer bliss to see your kids loving life...

A girl can never be too prepared for the park. Just like her mommy, the purse goes everywhere. More than likely, she's got a spatula, some applesauce, 8 diapers, scissors, toys, and 12 pens in there. You know, just like mommy's. :)

Pouring bottles of water on their heads!

Good times, good times..


Just Jen said...

I also love to pour water on my head on a hot day! Just last weekend, at baseball tryouts, I quickly became the 'cool mom' because I was dumping water on the boys when they weren't looking. Nothing better then the unexpected cold!

Ponka Sam said...

The fourth photo down (a pic of Hunter) is a spitting image of you, Ami, at that age. It is eerily similar. :) And didn't you mean to write "Woe is I"? :) Love you. "Ponka"

Ponka Sam said...

The fourth photo down (a pic of Hunter) is a spitting image of you, Ami, at that age. It is eerily similar. :) And didn't you mean to write "Woe is I"? :) Love you. "Ponka"

Ami said...

Damn you Ponka Sam...I AM Woeful! "But woe is me"y is more rhymey and whiny, so it seemed more appropriate! :)

Mary said...

Dad is right about that picture of you and Hunter...she is your daughter! They sure look happy : )

Jeremy DeBauche said...

It looks like they had a ton of fun! Good times.

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