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Monday, August 8, 2011

Bad Habits, Good Burgers

Welcome to the world's greatest hamburgers.
and welcome to the home of bad habits and difficult names.
We went to Fuddrucker's with my dad and Genise a few days ago.

It's typically a good restaurant choice for toddler triplets because the back room is separate from the main dining room. It always seems that other parents have the same idea we do. "Go to the back room and let your kids run and scream in there! You won't be judged in the back room! "

So there we were. Two steps through the door and our tiny people trying to say "Fuddruckers." You KNOW that can't go well!

Ten steps through the door?
Grampa is teaching the grandkids to blow straw wrappers across the table.
Bad habits? Perhaps. But they sure as heck kept the kids' busy and entertained. (And again, in the back room, no one judges you.)
Colton actually did a really good job.
Love me some blue eyed baby boys.

Ethan...well he's darn cute, but he doesn't blow straw wrappers so well. Can you blame him? What do you do with a straw MOST of the time? You suck through it. So that's what he kept doing. I guess we'll have to keep practicing.
Genise gets to be the judge.

Love Hunter's little lips. She's practicing while she watches the boys.
"My turn!"

She's pretty proud of herself!
(And holy cow if this is not a mini me....weird)

"The Boys", as Hunter calls them.

I told you the back room is a little strange...it's a place where random little girls come lie on the floor. And other kids (mine) join in. But to the more important issue, the red carpet. Eeew. Are we in a saloon? Or worse? It's just, eeew. Luckily the burgers are darn good so I'll keep going back!
And you know I'm a sucker for my kids lovin on each other.
Lately, Hunter and Ethan have been so much friendlier with one another. Like yesterday's post, they'll play and play and then I'll walk in to the room and see them hugging each other.

I love these kids!

Anyhoo, it was a nice afternoon!

*Now before I go further in my blog-a-day challenge, I want to be up front and say that I'm pretty much waiting for my sister to have her baby any day now or within the next few weeks. It's anyone's guess. So if one day I forget to blog, that will be why! I'll be at the hospital meeting my niece!


Anabelle said...

Bad habits is when you don't invite your friend, Anabelle and your future son-in-law to Fuddruckers! I place I've been thinking about for over a week now. Next time my friend.

PS in those last pictures, I just love The Boys shoes! Those converse with no socks are just too darn cute.

PPS when Mary has her baby, I'll post a link to my blog on yours... that should count as a post if your sister is birthing right?

Dad/Grampy Sam/Ponka said...

See, Ami, I told you we should have invited Anabelle and fam! :) Fudd's, home of great burgers but also the Dogzilla, was a fun time and the "trips" were so well behaved. Love you.

Just Jen said...

I love a good burger. Please let Mary know that I will keep her in my prayers.

"Lord, Please bless Mary with a safe and speedy delivery and recovery. Watch over her little girl and guide her. Amen"

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