Life with three toddlers is like nothing you can imagine. (Unless you too, live with 3 or more toddlers!) If you are a regular reader, then you know how much I truly love it. Howevvvveeer.... I won't lie. There are things that happen almost daily here that remind me how hard it is sometime to have triplets...So while there are many, here are my Top 3 Troubles with Triplets....
1. You can't just "run to Target" anymore. Or Walgreens, or the Grocery Store, or anywhere. I mean, you could if you had the appropriate stroller, but quickly your priorities change. Suddenly you realize that casserole you're making calls for Cream of Chicken Soup. CRAP! You don't HAVE cream of chicken soup! You can't just "run" to Safeway real quick cuz you got 3 kids. But then you consider it. And just like that, the mere thought of chasing 3 kids out to the garage, strapping them into their carseats, reaching your destination, getting all three back out and strapping them into the 52 lb. stroller which will become a 118 pound stroller, taking them into the store, where Ethan will surely scream at the top of his lungs, while you find your can of soup, pay for it at the checkout, where Ethan will steal a pack of Rolos unbeknownst to you, because they were conveniently placed right at his level, then get them back to the car, strap them ALL back in, hoist that 52lb stroller back in the 'Burb', drive home and unpack them, for the 4th freakin time. All for a can of soup. Next time that happens, you can be sure as the sun will shine that your casserole is going to do without the cream of chicken. :) (The run-on sentence was intentional. The exhaustion you feel from READING that sentence is directly proportionate the exhaustion I feel from DOING what was IN that sentence!)

2. Multiple Messes. Kid A empties the tupperware onto the floor then gets bored. So you clean it up. As you put the last piece back into the cupboard, Kid B comes in and sees you in the tupperware cupboard and hence, wants to play with tupperware. So he empties it all out onto the floor and then becomes bored as well. So you clean it up again, but just as you go to put the last piece back in, you stop, expecting to see Kid C. Whew! Coast is clear. No Kid C. So you put the last piece back in. A minute later, guess who finds the tupperware all by himself....
3. Chasing triplets is like herding chickens. Seriously. Imagine this, bathroom door is open, so naturally, they all want to go play in the shower or the toilet. So one at a time, you grab them and bring them back OUT of the bathroom. You deposit the first kid into the hallway, then turn around and go back for #2. As you bring #2 OUT of the bathroom, #1 sneaks right past you back INto the bathroom. You go back for #1 again using your leg and foot to strategically and acrobatically block the doorway, preventing #2 from sneaking back IN. All the while #3 is laughing hysterically at you. And rightfully so.
I saw myself doing each of these things as I was reading the list...and the run on sentence does not even touch on the exhaustion of the "process" of getting a can of chicken soup! LOVE IT!!!
Those pictures in the grocery store look so happy, but it was not an easy trip! I promise I will not take anyone out of the stroller...even if they scream : )
Mary that is rule number 1 around here! NEVER take the kid out of the stroller or cart. It never ends well (and that's only 1 kid)
Ami, picturing you with taking the kids out of the bathroom is hilarious. Sorry.
Well and don't tell us what happens when you can't find the shopping cart with the car attached!!!!!!!!! Anywhere in the store... parking lot... behind the store.
Or you happen to find it, but it's the first in line in one of the shopping cart holders, in front of 20 other regular carts. :)
Love it....can't wait!!!
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