Thanksgiving 2010
What can I say? This thanksgiving was...nice. Very different from years past, but nice. We spent it alone. Well, alone is a relative term when you have triplets running around, but still, aside from them, we were alone. (not sad alone, different alone!)
My mom was out of town, my sister and brother-in-law were out of town, and Brian’s family was out of town! Only my dad was here! He came by Thanksgiving morning bearing 3 of the best gifts one could bring...cherry pie, pumpkin pie and cool whip. Nice. He hung out for a few hours and watched the early preparations for what would be Brian’s and my first Thanksgiving on our own. We had debated about whether or not to cook a full meal since it would basically be the two of us eating it. Fortunately, we decided to go for it. Ethan began the day by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade....

We cooked a turkey in an oven bag (thank you, Anabelle), butternut squash, yams, peas, stuffing, layered rolls, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and even homemade gravy! The only problem is that we still cooked for about 10 people AT least!! But it was delicious. I’m not gonna lie...we were quite proud!
In my usual attempts to channel my inner Martha S.tewart, I whipped up some place settings to go with our nice china. Ha! As if I was actually going to let the babies eat off of China. It was only for photos.

So Brian and I timed it just right...we made it so that we were able to eat while the babies napped and then when they woke up, they got the whole table to themselves! But not yet...First, they needed to play...

And then Colton decided to attempt to climb into the highchair, unassisted. I of course, stood close by with the camera. Seriously. I really want to remember these moments...And I"m wondering about the poor baby dolls face down on the floor.

Let me translate.
Ethan:"Let me try now."
Hunter: "Who dropped baby on her face?"
Colton: "It's still my turn. Waaaaaa."

Love the way Ethan turns around to see if he's in trouble.
Thank God Hunter is taking care of that baby...

(But seriously, Hunter is so attentive to those babies.)

Hooray! I did it!

And then it was time for them to eat. I removed their high chair trays and let them sit up against our table. That was....messy. But they loved talking to one another while they ate.




After dinner, daddy played hide-and-seek with the bunchkins. I'm not gonna lie. I have no idea why they are both touching their noses. Except maybe to pick them? They all have colds.

And then, clean-up time. Kids are mopping,

(Those are her piggies of power. They make her mop extra well, I think)

No child labor laws were broken here. I swear. :)

And that's about the end of our day!
Hope you all had a wonderful day as well!
Though this Thanksgiving Day was different, you are right ; it was still nice. My few hours with you, Brian and the Bunchkins were very special. Your home is filled with love and that is immediately apparent to anyone who enters. Next up, Christmas ... Love you. Dad/Grampa Sam
That sounds like a great Thanksgiving....we, also, were "alone" but it was nice. We ate, watched a movie, ate, watched football, ate....well, you get it! Glad you are capturing all those moments!
love ya
ps....nice new TV!! woot, woot!
It was a different Thanksgiving for sure...but at least one of my three meals was with the Bunch babies for a "pre-Thanksgiving" Thanksgiving. Love the mops and the vests!
So proud of you Ami. You conquered your first holiday meal. It is kind of fun isn't it? As Mary said, we had our holiday together. I can't wait to get home to them. Tuesday morning early. Love, Mom
There's nothing to the turkey in a bag is there? Easy breezy! Nice job my friend. :)
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