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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The funny stuff I heard just yesterday.

So many times, parenting is like teaching, specifically in this regard: You hear kids say hilarious things and you try not to make any sudden movements or loud obnoxious laugh-type noises, because you either
A.) Don't want the funny stuff to stop or  

B.) You don't want to cause a fuss creating more attention on said behaviors (like when you're brainstorming -it family words in kindergarten and someone raises his hand and offers 'tit' as an example. :) You calmly say, "Yes that DOES fit in the -it family. Next? Anyone, anyone? Bueller?"

So yesterday, I paid special attention to some of the hilarious stuff the kids say. How do you not love kids??

"My stomach is choking."
EXPLANATION: I had hoisted Ethan up to a sink in a public restroom so that he could wash his hands. Apparently, his stomach was pushing up against the sink so his interpretation was that his stomach was, in fact, choking.  :)

"I have blue germs."
EXPLANATION: After drawing with markers, Colton came to show me his blue marker marks on his hand, exclaiming that he had blue germs.  :)

"No, you may not LICK people.
EXPLANATION: It's quite simple, really. Ethan, you don't lick your sister's arm. You don't lick your brother's neck. (Why you would want to is beyond me, really.) But the fact remains, "You may not lick people."

"That's the wack in my ear.
EXPLANATION: Colton is prone to wax in his ears and he knows it. So much so that when drawing a picture of himself tonight, he even added the "wack", as he calls it, to his picture.  LMAO! (seriously, look where his marker is. THAT's the wack.)

"I'm so disappointed in your behavior.
EXPLANATION: Bet you thought I said this one didn't you? Nope. Colton. Expressing his disappointment in his sister.  

"It's not SPEECHY, it's SPEECH! You need to learn YOUR words!
EXPLANATION: Trying to be supportive, Ethan kept telling Colton he was excited for him to go to Speechy School. Colton kept getting frustrated that he was calling it 'Speechy'  and finally uttered, It's not SPEECHY, it's SPEECH! You need to learn YOUR words!" lol.

"It's cuz we're triplets.
EXPLANATION: Smarter than the average public, Hunter quite promptly retorted "It's cuz we're triplets, after I tried to explain to several people in a taco bell that their ages are 4 and a half, 4 and a half, and 4 and a half. She's paid attention I guess. :)

"You have a fever on your head.
EXPLANATION: Ethan to Hunter. They're pretending to be mommy and baby.  Clearly, he's the mommy.  :)

You know...they may exhaust me most days, but they are FUNNY little people.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hey, Little Caterpillar

We're still here. I promise. Just incredibly busy living life.  So busy in fact, that not only have I not blogged since August 1st, I also haven't checked anyone ELSE'S blogs in that same amount of time! No wonder I feel so out of touch.  :)

So there's not really much newsworthy to report in this post. It's more of a "We haven't completely fallen off the fact of the earth post." 

Anyhoodle, this time of year, I can confidently say that I'm not enjoying the 8,000 flies that seem to be everywhere right now. 
I'm not enjoying the grasshoppers that jump up under my dress as I walk past them to my car. {Eeek!!}
I AM enjoying the caterpillars, though. Actually, I'm just enjoying my kids enjoying them. 

Tell me that's not one cool a$$ caterpillar! 

Colton, ever cautious was content to look at him. He wanted to look at it from every angle, but touching it or holding it was absolutely out of the question.  

But THIS kid? THIS kid has NO fear. 

He'd have put him on a leash and brought him in the house if I'd have let him.  :) 

Still not touching it. 

Even the little lady couldn't talk him into it. 

"Here, little caterpillar..." 
 Patience being tested...

Getting closer...

Hey, there.  Nice to see you little friend. 

 I shall name you....caterpillar.  :)

Look whose courage arrived an hour later! 

With a bed of leaves to sleep in, how could this caterpillar complain? 

Till we meet again...

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