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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blog Under Construction

I don't have a really interesting post to do tonight, but that's not to say I have neglected blogging. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I've spent the week working on new "Pages" for my blog. (The tabs at the top). I can't tell you how many times I get emails from perfect strangers asking questions about our infertility journey, about triplets, about cleft lips and palates, about cranial helmets, etc. I love it. I love these emails and I love answering questions. Honestly, I am never, ever annoyed by questions or emails from strangers.

But I always feel like I'm scrambling to come up with all the answers, over and over again. So I decided to create some pages on my blog dedicated to the things I get asked the most. So take a peek at em when you're bored. So far I've done:

One about our journey through infertility to pregnancy.
One about my triplet pregnancy...
One about tips and tricks for people who are currently pregnant with triplets...
And I'm working on the one about cleft lips and palates....(under construction) :)

On a side note, can I just say OMG! I just watched Extreme C.ouponing on TLC and I am obsessed. I see a new 'job' in my future....though I have no room for a stockpile like some of those ladies! Do any of you do extreme coup.oning? Any tips you'd like to share? Cuz lately, the older the kids get, the more I feel the strain of the grocery bill. I'm willing to try anything!

Also, I can't wait to show you some of the photos we had taken this weekend with Shannon K Photography! They are awesome! Shannon is amazing! We are just thrilled with the photos she took. So I'll show you one...a sneak peak if you will...

I love my life. :)


Kelly Jean said...

I'm so glad you decided to do an IF journey page. Can't wait to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D (P.S. I'm one of those people that emailed you and asked about it, glad to hear you're not annoyed!!)

Jenna said...

I love the new pages! And AMI, I SWEAR we are from the exact.same.mold. I watched extreme couponing last night for the first time and I'm totally in awe/obsessed! I'm dying to go to Costco with my coupons this weekend! <3 you.

Jaymee said...

O-MY-GOODNESS!!!! I am sooooo happy you are doing tabs, but for very selfish reasons!!!!! I have been giving myself tutorials and still can't get it right when I try to publish. Yeah I know, I don't fit any of the tabs you are working on, just your friend stalking you out for your wits!!!
BTW, I do the coupon thing... just not as extreme: ) If you ever want to go! I can feed our family of 6 on $80 a week. Not too shabby...

Jen said...

I love the new tabs! You are one amazing mama :)Such an inspiration. And I LOVE the new family photos!

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