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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blog flunkie

My good friend Anabelle, (much like my other good friend Charlotte a few weeks before) gently reminded me that it's been some time since I updated the blog. I quickly glanced at the date of my last post to confirm this blatant accusation :) and there, before me were the words July 25. {gasp!} 11 days ago!! What has become of my former bloggy self? Well let me tell you.

My blogs are usually driven by photos. Funny photos spark humorous commentary, cute pictures spark endearing commentary, group photos spark triplet commentary.

No photos spark no commentary.

That's right. No photos.

I haven't taken a single photo since we got back from San Diego on June 26th. {gasp again!} I may have mentioned it before but I left the camera charger plugged into the wall in our beach house. Grrr...And I just can't seem to remember to buy a new one online. Life is busy you know! So I wanted you to know why I've been so M.I.A. lately! I even tried to upload some flip videos but was having issues with that as well! Still trying to figure that one out!

So let me see if I can do a recap of some exciting things going on in our world:

1. We sold Brian's truck! Woo hoo!! We're a one car payment family for a little while anyway!

2. I got a new job! (Yes, I 'm still teaching 3 days a week and loving the company of people taller than 30".) I am now a Premier Designs Jeweler! I will be selling Premier Jewelry, so if you want to host a party and get some free jewelry, email me or give me a call!

3. Hunter is still biting her brothers. Hard.

4. Ethan is still biting. Also hard.

5. Colton still has never bit anyone. But he gets bit quite often. Poor guy.

6. Colton is starting to take 10-15 steps at a time. Woo hoo!

7. I rearranged the playroom and added a play kitchen. (There is much more symmetry in the room now, which, if you know me, makes me very happy.) I'd love to post a picture of it, but oh yeah. I can't.

8. Had another post-palatoplasty appointment with Dr. Hurst and Colton's palate is healing perfectly!

9. Found a live scorpion in the kid's blocks bin. Smashed the living crap out of it. With Brian's shoe.

10. Bought a black light flashlight so Brian and I can go "scorpion hunting" in the dark. SO MUCH FUN.

11. Found Colton playing with Ethan's poopy diaper. Awesome.

12. Made another triplet friend who just had triplets GGB about a month ago. (Okay haven't actually met her yet, but we've talked on the phone!) How's this for coincidence? Three sets of triplets living no more than 10 miles apart!

And I think that's about it for now...I'm going to go order a camera charger now. For real. I've missed you all.


Anabelle said...

Oh, and I've missed seeing your triplets as has my son who loves his friends.

The Kemps said...

Once your boys start potty training use your cool black light to check out their bathroom. Oh the fun you will have! Hee-hee

Mary said...

I can't wait to see the play kitchen! And I can't wait to purchase more jewelry in the future. I find myself planning outfits around jewelry thanks to Premier : )

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