Much like everything about them, their reactions to the whole "salon experience" was quite different. First born Colton went first (as he usually does) and I'm not kidding you, not only did he tolerate it, I actually think he enjoyed it! He sat perfectly still on the bathroom counter for a good 15 minutes probably while Nana snipped and snipped away! He really only started to get wiggly when the camera came out! Go figure! He looked so cute when she was done! Though it must be said-he looked so much more like a little boy than a baby! :(
"Maybe if I'm sad enough, they'll stop."
Midway hug from Nana...maybe that will make it better?
Well, let's not be surprised if the babies don't talk for a while! :) Actually, not a bad idea!
Anabelle-is that an old wives tale or something? That if I cut their hair before they're one, they won't talk?
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