So, the key to having triplets we realize is not falling into the trap of becoming so overwhelmed with them that you wouldn't even think of leaving the house. Clearly, we have not fallen into that trap yet...Target, Starbucks, Babies R' Us, the park,, Friday, Brian had the day off and we decided that we would get out of the house and go to Old Navy so that I could find some shorts or pants that fit! (Seriously, even though I've lost pretty much all my baby weight, there are VERY FEW of my pants that fit anymore....
what's with that??)But our dilemma was this...the babies are still too little to ride in the Blue baby Bus, (their heads are too floppy) and we REALLY didn't want to simply carry 3 cars seats all through Old Navy.
(Really, how's a girl supposed to shop with both hands holding carseats??) So we broke down...we decided to go to Babies R' Us and buy 2 other strollers that can be used while the babies are still little. Strollers we can put their car seats into. Now, the Blue Baby Bus will still be our favorite mode of transportation once they're bigger, but for now, we'll have to go this route! So we ended up with a double and a single stroller.
Leave it to my handy dandy husband...he assembled them both right there in the parking lot so that we wouldn't have to go back home first! I love his ability to do stuff like that! Well let me tell ya, shopping is MUCH more fun with strollers! We've accepted the attention we draw anytime we go out and always have our standard responses ready..."yes, they're triplets. 2 boys and a girl. They weigh blah, blah, blah, they're 8 weeks old, blah, blah blah. "
(Who am I kidding, I love taking the babies out and I'd happily answer those questions till I'm blue in the face!) We even had lunch in the food court! The babies had formula and Brian and I had Rubios! And then, as a new experience for us, we got to take the babies to the Family Restroom area and change three diapers! Funny the things you notice once you have kids! Did you know there's a Nursing Room in Park Place Mall? Seriously! Who knew??
Brian's favorite part about going on outings is watching to see what I'll dress the babies in, because they can't just wear a onesie in public! They need to be dressed to the the nines! Seriously HOW CUTE ARE THESE LITTLE BOYS?? I love them!! (Obviously, Ethan is not happy about my outfit choice.)

What better place to assemble two strollers than in the parking lot??

Yep! We even used their dumpster for the trash!

Our new wheels!

Changing a plethora of diapers at Park Place Mall!

Waiting their turns....

Hunter gets to go know the saying the squeaky wheel gets the oil? Well in this case, it was the STINKY wheel gets the oil!

Ok, apparently having his diaper changed just took it out of Colton. He's pooped. Literally.

Just give me a minute...I'm just going to lie here for a little bit...

Say cheese, dad!