If you're new to our blog, and would like to start from the moment I learned I was having triplets, click HERE :)
Posts about Colton's Cleft Lip and Palate surgeries as well as the Triplets' Cranial Bands are along the sidebar.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Seriously...I have no shame :)
See what happens when you're prohibited from doing anything substantial?? YOU DRAW ALL OVER YOUR YOURSELF!! Kinda reminds me of the 8th dwarf...Sleepy, Dopey, Happy, Grumpy, Doc, Sneezy, Bashful, and....BELLY! I think I miss kindergarten.... :)
I think Dr. Maciulla would LOVE to meet "Belly". I think you should keep him around for your next appt. Love, Mom
You miss kindergarten? Well, I can tell you that Drew misses you! Jim asked him who his teacher was the other day. "He said Miss Smelker. It was Mrs. Bunch. I miss her."
Just thought you'd like to know! Hope all is going well. I'm keeping up to date by reading your posts though. I love them. Just make sure that IF you do go into labor before your planned date...that you take a minute and let us know on here! HA! Best wishes...my prayers are with ALL of you!
If you know me, you know I'm not a scrapbooker. (Though I'm trying, right Renae?) I just have never gotten into it, NOT because I...
Thanks for the Love! You Got Us to #1!
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Well, we can't be happy ALL the time!
Baby A: 4 lbs. 6 oz. 17 1/4 in.
Baby B: 3 lbs. 2 oz., 15 in.
Baby C: 3 lbs. 15 oz, 17 in.
One of our triplets, Colton, was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. He is the only one of the three to have this handsome feature! Much of this blog has been dedicated to writing about life with a child who has a cleft lip and/or palate. I have written about the day to day stuff, as well as documented both of his surgeries. I hope you'll find it helpful if you are also in this boat. If I've learned nothing else...I've learned this-It is no big deal. :)
As you may know, all three of our babies needed to wear Cranial Bands (lovingly known by us as their 'helmets') to correct their Plagiocephaly and Torticollis. We were fortunate to have Hanger Orthotics right in our town. The staff was unbelievably helpful and made such a difference in our babies' lives. If you'd like more information about the process, read the posts below!
To read about the first time we got the babies heads scanned, click here.
To see the babies on the day their helmets arrived, click here!
To view the BEFORE and AFTER scans of the babies' heads, click here.
Not long ago, we were just two people hoping desperately for a family of our own! After years of struggling with infertility, failed IVFs, miscarriage, etc. we finally got that wish! On March 23, 2009, our family of two became a family of five as we welcomed our triplets into the world! Baby boys Colton and Ethan as well as baby girl, Hunter make our family complete! And I cannot forget our 4-legged family members...Piper, the black lab wonder-baby sitter and Gracie and Jag our two cats keep our house full of love....and fur! We hope you enjoy our story.
Colton's Current Stats
COLTON 27 lbs. 31 inches
Favorite Toys: Lightning McQueen, any kind of car or truck
Favorite Movie(s): Cars, Ratatouille, Toy Story (all)
Biggest Accomplishments: Knows all his letters upper and lower case, knows all his shapes, counts to 10, knows about 16 sight words
Temperament: Colton is very sensitive. Does not like to be told 'no', loves to sleep
Favorite Foods: Macaroni and Cheese, Chocolate milk, strawberries, bananas
*Updated 12/27/11
Ethan's current stats
ETHAN 21 lbs., 8 oz.
31 in. Pants: 18 month Shirts/Onesies: 18 months Pajamas (w/ feet): Size 18 month or higher Shoes: Size 4 Diapers: Size 3 or 4
Teeth: 2 upper, 2 lower
Crawling: Like a champ!
Walking: Not yet
Tricks: Blows raspberries on command or off, blows bubbles out his mouth, pulls himself up on furniture, claps
Favorite toys: Anything with wheels or things that spin
Who am I? Good question...these days I'd say first and foremost, I am a 35 year old mother of 3 (who happened to be born 1 minute apart!). Being a mother of triplets is the best title in the world. My 2 boys and a girl keep me laughing daily! Aside from that, I am a wife and kindergarten teacher...this blog is the story of my life. Hope you'll join me! :)
I think Dr. Maciulla would LOVE to meet "Belly". I think you should keep him around for your next appt.
Love, Mom
You miss kindergarten? Well, I can tell you that Drew misses you! Jim asked him who his teacher was the other day. "He said Miss Smelker. It was Mrs. Bunch. I miss her."
Just thought you'd like to know! Hope all is going well. I'm keeping up to date by reading your posts though. I love them. Just make sure that IF you do go into labor before your planned date...that you take a minute and let us know on here! HA! Best wishes...my prayers are with ALL of you!
~Ann Brosnan
I could really push the "easy" button right now, pushing it on the computer screen just isn't the same!!!!
Miss you!
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