This is my 10W, 3D old belly. :)
So, as you can see, I opted for some looser-fitting pants this time. I don't know if my belly is much bigger this week than last, but my babies certainly are! They are all growing as they are supposed to! And little Baby C trumped the others and went from being the runt to the big dog! My mom says he must be closer to my intake valve and gets all the nutrients from the food I eat first! :)
Either way, this week's ultrasound was absolutely Amazing. (I have watched ABC's "The Bachelor" for far too many seasons and am going to use the word 'Amazing' just as they do...) But it really was! The babies were actually moving! You could see their wiggling arms and legs! Which, after the fact made a lot of sense. Think about it. Where were those babies the night before??? That's right, they were dancing to the beat of the New Kids On the Block!! And they were still dancing the next day! :) This time, there is one picture of Babies A & B and a second picture of Baby C, and a third picture which barely shows all 3 sacs.
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