You know, I had such high hopes...such good intentions for this blog tonight. And as it turns out, it's as scattered as the sea shells on that darn beach in the pictures below. Blogger, why do you do this to me? I wanted you to know that we're still here and I'm still blogging, but unfortunately, all that I was able to upload is a potpourri of San Diego photos. And nothing more.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming"....Dorie is a wise little fish.
And that I'll do.
Did I tell you we started back to work already? Yeah. On July 8th. I know what you're thinking. We're a modified year round school district, so we start early and have lots of breaks throughout the year. So I DO in fact like the schedule. But yes, July 8 FEELS early.
Did I tell you I'm going back to work full time? Cuz I'm crazy. No, not crazy, just trying to help put food on the table! :) I would give absolutely anything to be able to stay home all the time with my kids. I really would. I'm designed that way. I could do it and be happy. But we can't. We have 3 kids who always need things at the same time in life and those 'things' cost money. So mama's teaching kindergarten full time again. Don't be mistaken, after I fight back tears on my drive to work thinking of how I won't get to see my kids at noon each day, I do actually enjoy being back to the grind. I do. My mom is watching my babies and that is about as good as it gets. (And everyone reminds me that really, the ONLY thing I'm missing with my new schedule is their nap.) This is true...But still, I fight back tears.
So we've been busy getting classrooms ready and keeping the house clean.
People. If you'd be so kind, step away from your keyboard, put your hands together and clap. For me. Cuz I've kept the house--the whole house--(minus my closet which is in the middle of spring cleaning)--CLEAN! That is a feat like no other. I've been very, very conscious of putting away toys little by little, keeping stuff off the counters, washing bowls as we use them, etc. It's a mindset I'm trying to make 'my normal.'
"It's easier to keep up than catch up." I tell myself this about 13 times a day.
And Brian's been busy too! Mowing the grass which is totally GREEN again! Yahooo!
Then he painted our living room wall a pale shade of greenish/blue. Yahoo!
He took our littlest dude, Ethan to the ER for some baby stitches in his little baby chin on the 4th of July and I took him to the doc today to get the stitches out. I totally drew the short straw on this one. Apparently getting stitches OUT is WAY worse than having stitches put IN.
So as you can see, we're busy, busy people. And I don't see us slowing down. So let's enjoy the serenity of these beach photos as if we were in fact standing in the cool, damp sand with the sound of the ocean all around....
"WHOOooooooOOOOoooshh...." (Did that sound like the ocean?)