Oh man...every time I sign up to do a blog a day for an entire month, I get about halfway and start cursing myself. Needless to say, March 31st has never looked so good! I went home sick today and have barely moved off the couch, so I have ZERO motivation to do a blog. And how sad...The last blog of the month..it should've been some big ol' finale right?
Well, if that's what you were hoping for, you might want to stop reading....Now.
All I have is a HUGE thank you to everyone who's been reading this month, keeping me inspired, giving me ideas, etc. YOU GUYS ROCK! People often ask why I blog and it's always a strange moment when I realize that aside from writing to keep my friends and family in the know, I also love this "virtual friendship" so many of us have. So many of us who do not know each other in real life and probably never will (except for you Stacey and Darcy. It's on!) And yet, we all share something in common that allows us to sit and pore through each other's blogs for hours, totally "living" right along with one another! Bloggers are cool. It's just that simple.
So since I don't have the energy to come up with anything creative, and I'm too tired to get up and upload pictures from my camera, I'll just share a couple, admittedly poor quality cell phone pics I took today.
I just thought this was hysterical. Brian was changing Colton's diaper and the little man simply could not be bothered with the details. He didn't put his book down once. (Thank you Niki!) I realize this is probably one of those moments you just had to be present for, but oh well!

And if you liked the pictures of Hunter's eye and cheek yesterday, get a load of today. I was SO not expecting it to look 50 times worse. But oh, it does. If anyone's wondering, I DID call the pediatrician to be sure we were doing everything we needed to for it.
She's such a tough little bird, and honestly doesn't seem too bothered by it. Except for the fact that she does seem to love the attention she gets when she touches her cheek and ever so softly in her little tiny voice says, "Oww." Yeah, I'd milk it too Hunter. It's like she learned it from me!

Yep, in addition to the scrape, her whole under eye is all puffed out, the way an allergic reaction would be. Poor baby.

This little pink lounge chair is the cause of such mess. Except picture it out in the middle of our "lawn" and then imagine what it would look like if she were on her knees facing backward until she TIPPED herself right over. Yikes. I'll tell you what, though neither of us really saw it happen as we were busy showing 2 little boys how to hit baseballs off a Tee, my dad and I both heard a very, very loud THUD, followed by one crying little lady. Nevertheless, she's tough. (Like her mommy)